Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
-Romans 12:2
A Message From Pastor RonnieÂ
Big Updates about Our Website, New Curriculum, Social Media, Partnership Opportunities More!Learn more
Important Message from Pastor Ronnie.
I feel a divine urgency to share God's vision for Iron Men's Disciples Path Ministry. The Lord is calling us to spiritually uplift men to become better fathers, husbands, and leaders. This isn't just a ministry; it's a God-ordained mission to transform lives. Men are facing unique pressures today, and the Lord is guiding us to provide them with the tools they need for a life rooted in Christ. I invite you to join this movement; the time for action is now.
-Pastor Ronnie
Be Ye Not Conformed to This World... Romans 12:2
A Letter from Pastor Ronnie to Join Him In Partnering To Impact Men.
It has been a while since I have sent out a ministry letter update to everyone. The last communication with everyone was a prayer request and an invitation to partner with Teresa and I as we answered the call to move to Texas. Once we arrived we felt the Holy Spirit prompting us to help Pastor Michael and Bryanna Humphrey plant a church here in McKinney Texas. The Lord has blessed that church plant and the Revive Church has been planted and growing thanks to your partnership in prayer and financial support.
The Lord has placed me back in the marketplace doing what I have done for many years in my career in the construction trade. I am a Construction Superintendent building residential homes for D.R. Horton America's number 1 builder of Residential homes. The opportunities to witness and share the gospel message of Jesus are exceedingly abundant. I am grateful for the opportunity to go where the pain is and to share the Lord Our God’s gift of salvation not only with words but by my actions and witness. In the evenings and on weekends I have the privilege to disciple men, speak at men’s retreats on the weekends, and minister to married couples. My beautiful bride is in a season of ministering to all of our family both in San Diego and in Texas. She has continued to disciple women with her sister in Christ, Karen Stevens as the Lord guides and directs them.
I am reaching out to you on behalf of the Iron Men's Disciples Path Ministry, a passionate 501C3 Non-Profit organization dedicated to supporting men in Southern California and around the world.  Our mission is clear: We are committed to empowering men to reach their full potential as loving husbands, caring fathers, and influential leaders. Our services extend beyond Southern California, touching the lives of men from diverse backgrounds globally.
About 6 months ago the Lord started placing on my heart to take what I have done at the Rock Church and beyond discipling men pointing them and their families to Jesus through the IronMen Disciples Path Ministry “Next Step” and “MAP” discipleship curriculums. In the past 19 years over 1450 men have completed the one-year disciple curriculum and graduated. The many testimonies of how God is using them in their pursuit to follow Jesus as they have gone on to become His vessels as pastors, missionaries, teachers, ministry leaders, and spiritual servant leaders in their families, workplaces, churches, and communities is something that is far greater and better than anything I could have ever imagined.Â
He has spoken to me by the Holy Spirit, by His word, through Sunday messages and circumstances in my life reminding me I am His, The Lord has given me a message and I am not to put it in a bottle and cap it. I am to take what God has given me and pour it out onto those around me. I have heard His instruction and believe with all my heart I am to develop and establish a sustainable “IronMen Disciple’s Path Ministry,” website that offers all the resources the Lord has given me over the past 25 years of walking with Him. The IMDP Ministry website offers for free the resources for men and women to be discipled and then to go make disciples.
I am asking you to join me in this effort and consider making a donation to reach more men than ever before.
-Pastor, Ronnie Holderby
Read The Full Letter HereWhy Partner
With Us?
Iron Men Disciple Path Ministry (IMDP) is a faith-based non-profit organization with a profound mission: to empower men through spiritual enrichment, educational resources, and community support. We are committed to nurturing men into becoming loving husbands, devoted fathers, and impactful leaders. By financially partnering with us, you're not just donating money; you're investing in the potential of men to transform their lives, families, and communities.
Your Generous Contributions Will Go Towards:
- Curriculum Development: Funding for high-quality, faith-centered courses and materials.
- Technology & Tools: Upkeep and upgrading of our interactive web platform, mobile app, and online digital assistant.
- Outreach Programs: Expansion of our online and offline programs, including Men's Groups and Weekly Prayer Calls.
- Social Media Engagement: Increased reach and impact through our various social media channels, helping men globally.
- Community Building: Hosting online and offline events, gatherings, and workshops for men to connect and grow.
Where Your Contributions

How You Can Help?
We need your prayers and ask you to pray for
God's leading in this Ministry.
Prayerfully consider partnering with us in helping to change the lives of
Men and their families.
Below are the costs for the next year to reach the number of
Men we believe God is calling us to reach.Â